Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hello family and friends!

Today Meghan and I took a spontaneous and wonderful walk around downtown Madrid, guidebook in hand. We visited several plazas and came upon the Royal Palace, Cathedral and the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. In the basilica we decided to take the guided tour because we had heard there was a beautiful painting of Goya over one of the altars. For only 2 euros, this was one of my most magnificent spectacles I've seen so far. In every corner of the huge cathedral there was a gorgeous painting, carved choir benches, marble altars, and painted ceilings. This website shows you a little bit of the outside and gives a little history, but unfortunately it doesn't touch the beauty of seeing it in person:

Afterwards, Meghan and I decided to venture to find a dulcería, or a place that we could get pastries. We found a little spot down a small street that sold all sorts of types of tratas (cakes) including chocolate mousse cake (of which I got a large portion) and banana and chocolate fudge cake (meghan's choice).

A fun cultural note: I was noticing today how although I sometimes think Spaniards aren't as friendly as American's, it may be only because I don't understand half of what they're saying. Every place that we go the departing words are "Hasta Luego!" (See you later!), even at the post office and dulcería when we likely won't meet these people again.

As usual, hope you're doing well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey clare! hope every thing's really as good as it sounds! your writing is very impressive! all of your former english teachers would be proud!

lots of love,