Sunday, September 7, 2008

En mi casa!

Well, I can't believe that it's only the second day here, quite a bit has happened. Today, Meghan and I met our family: Elvira (our madre), her two daughters that are our age, and a dog (un perrito) named Coral. The town home is in an adorable area with a nice, safe quiet street right near one of the bigger parks in the area. Hopefully I can go there to walk or run-although I've heard and seen that if you are running down a street you may as well be wearing a big sign that says AMERICAN.

Aventuras en idioma (Adventures in language):

For lunch today I tried to order a chicken sandwich and apparently almost ordered an entire chicken when thankfully, Meghan caught on and saved me.

Somehow Meghan and I still haven't figured out what the two daughters of the family are named, hopefully we will soon.


Anonymous said...

Wow! That's fantastic! Must be wierd living with a dog!!!

For Dear Old UVa said...

Haha you dork brain - I'm surprised you didn't order chicken fingers. Maybe they weren't on the menu? I hope you've figured out the daughters' names by now... awwwwkward. Anywho... I'll try to get on Skype sometime tomorrow afternoon and maybe I'll get to talk to you soon! I'm glad that you made it safe and that all is well. I miss you here!!! Toodles :)
